The Power Of A Disciplined Mind

“MOTIVATION IS FLEETING, DISCIPLINE IS LASTING” I watched this YouTube video interview recently by Tom Bileu and Mel Robbins below about how motivation is garbage. I agree with her impact theory that explains how there is a short five second window where we need to act before our brain comes up with all the excuses…

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Does A “Healthy” Pill, Powder, Or Drink Sound Too Good To Be True?

I see lots of advertisements and promotions that promise amazing results from supplements that range from shakes to pills and powders. The diet industry is a $60 billion per year industry and most of the products do not work or have negative side effects. It is so easy to fall prey to these promises and…

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RECIPE: Mix and Match Homemade Vinaigrette

Homemade salad dressings taste so much better than store bought, are healthier, and are super easy to make! Here, we break down how to make a vinaigrette and will give you some great recipes or you can create your own with the basic vinaigrette principles we cover. First, you need to know that the ratio…

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Does Timing Of Food Really Matter?

What you eat is important, but when you eat it is also something you need to think about. Whether you are trying to get leaner or perform at your best in your sport or workout, timing is a huge factor in your results. I work with a lot of people who come to me because…

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The Power of Eating Together

This month I have been thinking about these busy days and what changes I need to make to slow down the pace of my family. Certain seasons or events in our lives cause us to pause and and prioritize. After a busy day winds down, I reflect on the time and attention I actually gave…

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Why The Scale Is Sabotaging Your Success

As a nutrition and exercise professional, I talk to people about their bodies pretty much every day. Weight loss is one of the most common reason people come work with us, so naturally, the scale is always a dominant feature when tracking progress. I see all too often that people are focused on getting that…

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Why Women Should Lift Heavy Things – Part 2

Part 2: Confidence/Body Image + Stress relief/Mental health Lifting for women has it’s many benefits, including the two we touched on last time related to the increased rate of the metabolism (therefore more efficient function and fuel usage) as well as the positive effects it has on bone and joint health. If you missed thefirst…

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5 Tips To Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

Happy 2018! The new year is a great time to evaluate your priorities and make goals. However,  the reality is that most people don’t keep their resolutions for more than a couple of months! There are many reasons why this happens-maybe you lose momentum, or can’t realistically keep the resolutions. Here are some tips to…

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Taking Charge Of Your Fitness Routine With Stretching & Balance Exercises

The four main components of fitness training are cardio, strength, stretching, and balance. Of those, the latter two are often overlooked. Cardio and strength training are obviously very important for developing a strong and healthy body. However, overdoing those and skimping on stretching and balance can lead to muscle tightness, imbalance and asymmetry, eventually leading…

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How To Incorporate Fitness Outside The Gym

Fitness outside the gym…sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? For most, the idea of working out, getting in shape, being fit, or losing weight is directly tied to being in the gym. Or even further, it’s this idea that it’s 45 long minutes on a treadmill, or trying to figure out weights and machines you’ve never been…

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